~hair style~

recently aku mok cut my hair and change my hairstyle . tp blm tauk lgi mok cut mcm mna and tukar style yg mcm mna . dsebabkan arinie aku free sgt2 jd aku luangkan msa aku tuk google bbrpa jenis hairstyle . here , i wanna share u some of picture yg aku sdh google and aku ska style tuu . hope u like it too ^^

klu short haircut , cmnie pn ok gak kn :

. nie short pixie haircut .

. celebrity short pixie haircut .

. cute short prom hairstyle .

klu jenis medium haircut , yg camnie pn ok :

. nampak simple , tp cute .

actually , long layered ok wat . nah , u see :

. asal rajin atur . klu mls cm aku nie msti nampak messy .

aritu , ku da bgtu niat aku mok gunting rambut wif my bezfren, alexandra , dia kta ok jak . tp bla aku try tnya my man , he say no . sbb tu smpi skrg aku msh bingung . tp , my man mcm minat klu pmpuan wif curly hair . i wanna try it .

klu curly , aku ska jenis yg mcnie . xtlalu curl and messy tp nampak stylish .

. wavy hairstyle for the year 2011 .

. Japanese hairstyle for the year 2011 .

actually , dulu aku pn pnah jga curly . dsebabkn susah mok jga jd aku tukar blk style rambut aku yg asal .

. nie dulu2 , jun 2008 .

thats all for today . thanks peepz .
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