Awesome and Unusual pink animals

The animal kingdom is full of beautiful colors. We enjoy looking at them, but those colors mean a lot more to animals than just good looks. Colors help animals to hunt, to stay safe, and to attract mates.

Pink Frogfish ocellated

The ocellated frogfish are found in the western Atlantic and as far as the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea dwelling in rocky and coral reefs. The largest frogfish in the western Pacific. They are generally small fish, less than 10–20 cm in length, with large globose heads. They can be distinguished from other anglerfish by the three extended dorsal fin spines on their heads. The first dorsal spine is modified as a fishing lure to attract prey. They are mostly bottom-dwelling fish, typically living amongst coral, at up to 100 meters depth, where they lie and wait for prey. They are able to change their color to match the background with high precision, and their camouflage is further aided by numerous warts and filaments on their skin, giving them an appearance similar to rough coral.
Pink Dolphin

The Pink Dolphin is an amazing animal, which lives in the Amazon River, it is usually found in the tributaries and main rivers of the Orinoco River systems in South America. This animal looks almost like the gray dolphin, but there are differences. Their measures can reach up to 2.5 meters long, although males are generally larger. The color of its body is pale pink, and instead of having a dorsal fin like the gray dolphin, it has a hump on its back. The Pink Dolphin’s tale is bigger and it has 2 flippers that look like big leaves, their neck is kind of long and his head has a little hump in the forehead. This animal has tiny eyes and his beak is long and has hairs on top. The Pink Dolphin can turn its head 180 degrees, all the way around since it has an unfused vertebrae. It weighs approximately 90 kilograms. The Pink Dolphin got its amazing pink color from the kind of water it lives in, and the kind of food it eats. The Pink Dolphin is a very nice and friendly animal. The Pink Dolphin does not have many enemies, only enemy it has is humans. Although the Pink Dolphin has 40% more brain capacity than humans do, it still gets killed and hurt by them.
Pink Fairy Armadillo

The Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) or Pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo (mammals of the family Dasypodidae, mostly known for having a bony armor shell). It is approximately 90-115 mm long excluding the tail, and is pale rose or pink in color. It is found in central Argentina where it inhabits dry grasslands and sandy plants with thorn bushes and cacti. It has the ability to bury itself completely in a matter of seconds if frightened.
The Pink Fairy Armadillo burrows small holes near ant colonies in dry dirt. It feeds mainly on ants and ant larvae near its burrow. Occasionally it feeds on worms, snails, insects and larvae, or various plant and root material.
Pink Iguanas

The Pink Land Iguana is a species of lizard of the Iguanidae family. The species was first discovered in 1986 and was identified as a separate species, distinct from the Galapagos land iguana, early in 2009. Pink iguanas, first discovered by Galapagos National Park rangers, are now to be a unique species of land iguana following the analysis of genetic tests on the species. The pink – or “rosada” – iguanas also differ from other land iguanas in striking ways: they have a pink and black-striped coloring, flat head scales, and a thick fatty crest on the back of the neck with small conical scales. Rosada also exhibits slightly different social behaviors than yellow or pallidus land iguanas. The pink iguana population is thought to be incredibly small, existing entirely on the flanks of Volcan Wolf, perhaps small enough to put its survival in danger.
Pink Elephant

A wildlife cameraman took pictures of the calf when he spotted it among a herd of about 80 elephants in the Okavango Delta. Experts believe it is probably an albino, which is an extremely rare phenomenon in African elephants. They are unsure of its chances of long-term survival – the blazing African sunlight may cause blindness and skin problems for the calf. Albino elephants are not usually white, but instead they have more of a reddish-brown or pink hue. While albinism is thought to be fairly common in Asian elephants, it is much less common in the larger African species. Surviving this very rare phenomenon is very difficult in the harsh African bush. Because this elephant calf was sighted in the Okavango Delta, he may have a greater chance of survival. He can seek refuge under the large trees and cake himself in a thick mud, which will protect him from the Sun. Elephants are highly adaptable, intelligent and masters of survival.
Pink Katydid

Every year in Pennsylvania mountains a few people are fortunate enough to see an amazing thing, a normally green katydid that is brilliant pink, eyes, antennae, legs, everything. This unusual insects is actually a rare variety of one of our common katydids that are normally green all over. The bright pink condition is beautiful and startling to behold, and is caused by a genetically determined condition called erythrism. The pink katydids act just like green ones, and if we are lucky, they will continue to prosper as a special Pennsylvania oddity that most of us will never see alive!
Pink Dragon Millipede

The bright pink dragon millipede is one of more than 1,000 new species discovered or identified between 1997 and 2007 in the Greater Mekong region, which includes parts of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. It is one of nature’s most outrageous examples of aposematism, the display of vivid coloring and other physical signals that the candy-colored, snack-sized morsel in question is packing a poisonous wallop. This millipede is bright pink. It uses its bright colors to warn predators of its often deadly poisons.