flow my tears the policeman said

flow my tears the policeman said

painted in acrylics
40 cm x 54 cm
painted on crescent hi-line line board
combination of schmincke aerocolor, liquitex freeflow and tube colors

much of my work is now produced on computer which i have found offers flexibility that airbrushed paintings by there nature cannot and in today´s working world, art directors want lots of changes but i am still producing images in paint for my own amusement. i attach a painting i did quite a few years ago. i chose it because it has a narrative and a tension between the characters which is not always possible to show in book covers. it was for the book by philip k. dick and the title is -flow my tears the policeman said-.

persoenlich erstellter text von chris moore am 11.11.2008
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers chris moore

chris moore chrismooreillustration.co.uk